Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Teaching the future

Our women's ministry at Second Baptist started a mentor program for our college gals. The kickoff was a major event complete with all the trimmings. The girls wanted to get together before the New Year so a plan was devised. This is where I came in because they wanted to do some cake decorating.

I am sharing a few pictures of the girls and their handy work. They were the best students I have ever taught. Their flat icing was awesome for newbies and the imagination that they extended was beyond my train of thinking. I think that they really had done this before?

Jane Beck helped me in the preparation by baking, making batches and batches of icing and teaching. Did you know that the mixer at our church will make AT LEAST three batches of icing at a time? It makes my big girl blender look like a sissy!

A good time was had by all. A message was delivered by Michelle Howard on how to make your "cake/life for Christ" as pretty on the inside as it is on the outside.

1 comment:

  1. P,
    I didn't know (but should've known) about your cake decorating abilities! How cool to get together with the college crowd and decorate the cakes and have fellowship and mentoring all in one evening! TFS!


So glad that you hopped through the lilypad! Have a blessed day!