Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dressing my serger.

My serger finally got her matching dressing just like her sister, the sewing machine. I finally got to sew her final seams today after I put away the costumes for good...hopefully! I appliqued some felted wool pieces to the background fabric with a blanket stitch of DMC thread. I love this technique. I have the bug to make some more penny rugs now.


  1. Does anyone know how to rotate a photo after you post it?

  2. Love your stuff Paula! You are gonna have to tutor me on this penny rug stuff-LOL!

  3. I don't know how to rotate it once it's posted. But you could probably go back to your post and click on >edit post then delete the photo and reupload the pic again (after you've rotated the pic to the correct position in Photoshop or PSE/ whatever photoediting program that you use to work on your pics).

    HTH. BTW-I just added the "countdown" to our BD Weekend on my Dashboard. ;)

  4. I wish you lived closer. I think we could make some really great stuff together!
    Does the machine really do the blanket stitch or did you do that by hand?
    What is a penny rug?


So glad that you hopped through the lilypad! Have a blessed day!