Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday happenings

Before the sun rose for the day Clarissa and I were on the road (5:30 to be exact) towards Jeff City, MO. Thus the reason for the weepy eyes in the pic!

We attended the first ever MO Republican Women's Conference that started at 8:30. We first feasted on fruit, lots of coffee and after some deliberation...a big fat filled, chocolate filled donut!

There were plenty of amazing speakers. The main draw was Liz Chaney, past VPresident Chaney's daughter. What an eloquent speaker. She even made the word "thugs" sound like music. She's a very knowlegeable and pretty woman too!

The challenge for the day is to make a difference and inform seven ladies in your everyday walk of life. Help the undecided's to decide with factual information on four points; taxation, health, environment and economy. Do you want your government to rule all of these? Seven votes can make the difference in who becomes the state representative that is elected in your state to serve you.


  1. So glad you two went and proud of you too! Can't wait to hear more and spread the news to at least 7 people who need to be better informed.

  2. love the seven info!
    Okay Paula- What to do, what to do... I banned Oprah a long time ago, now Sarah Palin has agreed to go on Oprah. The question is, do I watch?
    I'm a bit sad that Sarah agreed to be on Oprah.


So glad that you hopped through the lilypad! Have a blessed day!