Saturday, October 10, 2009

Scrappin' away at Susan's house.

Just thrilled to share the pages that I got done last night at Susan's house. Poor girl didn't get to join me (at her house) until after 8:30 because of shivering at the tennis tourney for her Greenwood girls.

Love getting to complete these pages along with alot of work completed on a secret Christmas present! I had bought these papers on clearance when I was shopping to put together a travel gift basket for Camp Scrap at church. I loved the colors and the double sided paper! I snatched a couple punches of butterflies from Susan's lovely punch supply and this red flower that backs the brad that I had bought in KC when we were together a couple months ago. It's so much fun to use some of the things that don't come together but look as if they did!

I fell in love with Archiever's Sony picture machine and went collage crazy....which leads me to these two wallet sized picture layouts. I love em' because I can use so many pictures and still have some blank space (which is such a new technique for me).


  1. WOW WOW!!! I love that page with that has the map and says "MAINE"!! Why haven't you shown me these yet!? :)

  2. Paula,
    I felt so badly that I didn't get to scrap more with you but am so happy you chose to come and scrap anyways! Glad you got a lot accomplished (may be it was a good thing that my talkative self wasn't there to distract you-LOL). You're layouts rocked-and I like you're newfound layout format. Little pics to scrap are just a wee bit-o-fun aren't they? Looking forward to our birthday(s)' weekend.


So glad that you hopped through the lilypad! Have a blessed day!