Wednesday, March 31, 2010

T-shirt quilt

How many t-shirts do our kids get while in High School? One for every club, sport and town that they visit. What do you do with them after they graduate? I collected Clarissa's t-shirts that were still in good shape and made her a quilt. This picture is of the top before I took it to the quilters. If you would like me to make you one for that special graduate, leave me a comment and I will get back with you on the number of shirts, material yardage and pricing to set it together. For all of my friends approaching the big graduation day, sit back and enjoy the ride. Relish this time with your student before they embark life as an adult. Get out the kleenex!


  1. Such a great gift idea as well as a wonderful way to preserve a loved one's memories (outside of a scrapbook!) ;) Can't wait to see the final product!

  2. Neat idea Paula.

    I hope you have a blessed Easter this year.

  3. I love that! My cousin had that done with hers, and I would've loved to have done it with all mine. I still have many of them in drawers! LOL


So glad that you hopped through the lilypad! Have a blessed day!