Me? Just homesick for Clarissa and the time that we were blessed to spend together for over 24 years.
Clarissa? Just homesick for her family and friends that she too had enjoyed for over 24 years. She also had the first year teaching stressors on top of taking Master's classes! If all goes as planned, next fall semester will be her last before we get to attend another graduation on MSU campus!
For Christmas I officially became an honorary member of the Mexi-MO Spanish club!
I love my new T! In case your wondering what Pah-oo-la's how the children in Mexico have said my name when I went on mission trips there. It's so dang cute! Clarissa is officially Senorita T to all her students. AND.....on the front, No Toro means....NO BULL! How funny! Their school mascot is a bull. The designer of this shirt thought of everything even down to the Mexico flag colors!
I know that pride is not a pretty thing to exhibit but I am so proud of the woman that my daughter has become. When I visited her classroom is was unnerving to see my baby in charge but with so much admiration and respect from students less that 10 years her junior. Her kindred spirit and caring heart flows over into her career.
P.S. You might be wondering why the Mexi-MO? Clarissa studied in Mexico (the country) for two semesters and we were getting friends, stories and traditions mixed up when we talk these days. Now we call Mexico, MO Mexi-MO and Mexico the country it's right full name of Mexico! I always knew that my daughter would end up in Mexico but I NEVER thought that I would be blessed for her to be only three hours away instead of a 12 flight and bus trip. Another one of the blessings that I had never imagined!